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Price List


Our packages of Shared Hosting

Bronze 1 GB Space Hosting: Rs.4499
with free domain name

Silver 5 GB Space Hosting: Rs.5499
with free domain name

Gold Unlimited Hosting: Rs.7499
with free domain name

Enterprise Multimedia Hosting: Rs.15000
with ffmpeg Multimedia Support

Our Domain Registration Pricelist

.com Rs.2999
.net Rs.3999
.org Rs.3999
.info Rs.3000
.biz Rs.3000
.pk Rs.1599 Rs.1599 Rs.1599 Rs.1599 Rs.1599 Rs.1599 Rs.2499
.name Rs.2600
.ca Rs.2600
.tv Rs.5000

Our VPS Pricelist

Host VPS-10 10 GB Rs.500 monthly
Host VPS-20 20 GB Rs.600 monthly
Host VPS-40 40 GB Rs.700 monthly
Host VPS-60 60 GB Rs.800 monthly
Host VPS-80 80 GB Rs.900 monthly
Host VPS-100 100 GB Rs.1000
Host VPS-180 180 GB Rs.2500
Host VPS-240 240 GB Rs.4500
Manage 320 320 GB Rs.7000
Manage 480 480 GB Rs.7500

 Our Dedicated Server Pricelist

Server Intel i7 300 GB HDD Rs.12000
Xeon E3-1230v 2 TB HDD Rs.19000
Xeon E5-262 2 TB HDD Rs.28000
Xeon E5-262 8 TB HDD Rs.36000

Our SSL Certificate Pricelist

Rapid SSL Rs.2000
Dedicated IP Rs.2000
Total: Rs.4000 yearly

All prices are lowest in Pakistan as we are provider of Host Services in all over Pakistan!

SSL Cerficate





What is an addon domain

One addon domains means, you can host 1 site. Addon domains give you the ability to add a second site to your web space. Unlike a parked domain, which resolves to the same place as your main site, an addon domain resolves to it's own folder.

What is a parked domain?

Sometimes park means just you want to show any page and sometimes, A parked domain name is an additional domain name that leads to the same place as the main domain name for your account. For instance, if you had and wanted to lead to the same place, you would park on You can park a domain in Cpanel under the 'manage parked domains' link.

What is propagation

Propogation is the time of taking by domain to reach all servers, Propagation is the time it takes for each of the internet backbones to be updated with your new DNS information. This often takes about 24 hours, but can take even longer, sometimes up to 5 days. If propagation takes  you more than 48hours, it's a good idea to open a support ticket with us, so we can investigate any problems.


Host Pakistan is providing instant Propogation, It's mean whenever you will order your domain, and when we will proceed your order, we will propogate your domain within few minutes, Host Pakistan is providing first time instant propogation service in Pakistan. Your website will work just after registering a domain with Host Pakistan.

Enjoy our instant propogation!

How do I register my nameservers

Every registrar has its own register format, Since this process differs from registrar to registrar, it's difficult for us to give you a full walkthrough, Because not all domain sites are same. There is also differences in control panels. The best place to start is to look at the online control panel of your Registrar and see if you can find it there. If you can't find the area to register nameservers, you may want to contact your registrar for help with their system. If worse comes to worse, one of our support personel will add the nameservers for you, if possible.